You can make similar changes to how Contacts show up and sort in the iOS Contacts app as well, so if you’d like to have names show by last name first or sort by first name or last name, you can make the same sort of adjustments on iPhone and iPad. Many users find showing the last name first is easier to navigate, since it resembles a traditional directory or phone book, and it can be particularly helpful for some societies and cultures where names are often the same or similar. Spark for iOS and Mac supports contact groups created in the Contacts app on your Mac or on the iCloud webpage. In browsing through Contacts app, or after searching for a contact, the choices may look like the following: Contacts is a computerized address book included with the Apple operating systems iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and macOS, previously Mac OS X and OS X. On the Home tab, under My Contacts, right-click the Contacts folder, and then click New Folder. Here is what this look like in real time with an animated GIF displaying the change: Select the People tab at the bottom of your Outlook screen. The effect for changing how names are shown basically switches the first name and the last name when seen in the Contacts list.

Choose whichever display and sorting method you’d prefer for changes to take immediate effect.Show First Name – Before last name, Following last name.Under the ‘General’ tab look for the following options:.